StressFree Day Care

The process of dropping a child off at day care can be heartbreaking. It's near impossible to not fear for this child during the workday. The lists below contain a few things you can do to make the toddler care center process easier.

Before Your Decision

  • Arrange a Visit: Day care centers run a wide spectrum, from clean and up-to-date to dirty and antiquated. Eliminate any surprises in the future by scheduling a visit and speaking with the day care instructors.
  • Confirm Accreditation: Ensure that the day care center you choose adheres to stringent standards. A few accreditation organizations are the National Association of Young Children (NAEYC), the National Accreditation Commission for Early Care and Education Programs (NAC), and the National Early Childhood Program Accreditation (NECPA).
  • Calculate Adult-to-Child Ratio: A critical part of day care is not enrolling too many children for each member of the staff. A ratio of four children per adult is suitable for infants, while one adult to every 10 children is the standard for four-year-olds.

After Your Decision

  • Meet Regularly: Set up frequent follow-up appointments with the day care employees. This is the best way to stay up to date with your child's behavior patterns, what they are learning, and upcoming events at the facility.

  • Volunteer: Every day care facility allows parents to come lend a hand. This might involve reading to the children or helping clean or repair toys during the hours when kids are gone.

  • Changing Your Mind is OK: Don't be afraid to select a new provider if something doesn't sit right with you. The health of your child is too valuable for an awkward conversation to put it in jeopardy.
