What to Do If You Experience a House Fire

Fire Damage – A fire will destroy everything they can, regardless of the value of the item. The professionals at Paul Davis can offer several different fire damage cleanup services, such as contents cleaning and structural repairs. Fire damage is usually joined by by water used by firefighting crews. We will remove all water and treat those rooms for mold. No matter what the damage looks like; our goal is to get your property back to normal quickly.

Smoke Damage – Property damage following a fire will not be restricted to what is burned. Smoke damage can also reach various areas of your home, some of which are nearly impossible to pinpoint without the proper restoration tools. We're able to find all affected areas, remove odors, and sanitize the air. If smoke damage happens in your home, the most important decision you can make is trusting the team at Paul Davis Restoration.

The Paul Davis Difference

Our team is dedicated to helping you restore your home from the fire and smoke damage you have dealt with. No matter what has happened, you can depend on our team to offer fast response and personalized attention. To learn more about smoke damage contractor plainfield in, please call us now!
